
Burnout self-test

Tired from constantly feeling tired? 
Do you feel depleted despite taking rest?
Maybe you’re facing professional burnout and you don’t even know about it. Don’t leave your well-being for later. Take our self-diagnostic burnout test on our website! It will help you understand where you stand on this path.

And Stressonika will help you figure out what can be done to feel full of life, energy, and enthusiasm again. It’s important to be able to recognize the signs of burnout and begin your recovery earlier before it complicates your life.
Remember, your health and well-being are investments that pay off daily. No job is worth your health. Remember, balance is important, not an endless race. Learn to see the signals of your body and listen to them.
Take our test, then sign up for a Stressonika research, and start the road to recovery today!

This survey was prepared using following materials: Schaufeli, W.B., De Witte, H. & Desart, S. (2019). Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) – Test Manual. KU Leuven, Belgium: Internalreport.